Wednesday, November 8, 2017

I Can Series: Week 2 - Focus On The Goal

Focus On The Outcome Not The Obstacle
-Straight Up Mindset

Welcome to the November edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This months series is the I Can Series. Week One's topic was over Face Your Fears. This week topic is called Focus On The Goal.

In our previous series called the Execute Series, we went over a topic called Write It Down.
Hopefully you have done this portion already as it will help guide you. Now that you have written down your goals, short and long term, you can put your focus into accomplishing them.When you write them down, those goals are now beacons for you to use to stay on the course. Your probably asking what do I mean by that, well here is the explanation. 

When in pursuit of obtaining your goals and success we run into pitfalls and adversity. We get frustrated, angry and just want to give up sometimes and that's normal. Its all a part of the process so don't feel like its only you that is experiencing this. We easily lose sight and deviate from the plan. We tend to forget why we are doing what we are doing and lose the enthusiasm we once started with. This is where physically having those goals in front of you comes into play. For instance, I go through the same scenario when things get a little crazy for me. When I start to feel things slip or I catch myself doing things that are not helping. I look back at my goals that I have written down and pull myself back together and re-energize to keep on progressing towards my goals again.

See that was my beacon, that was my compass to help put me back on my path to greatness. We all get lost, but you have to find your way back every time. You must have some sort of tether, otherwise you will just keep drifting further and further away. So remember to write down your goals, put them somewhere so you can see it everyday. Whether you are leaving for work in the morning or before you go to bed.You need to have those goals somewhere that you can see and read all the time to remind you and to help keep you on the path. The road will be long, and it will be tough, but keep on moving forward and I promise you the journey will all be worth it.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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