Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Execute Series: Week 2 - Write it Down

"Your Dreams Are Only Dreams Until You Write Them Down..........Then They Are Goals"

Welcome back everyone to the September edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This month’s series is Execute.  Last week's topic was "Know What You Want". This weeks topic is called  "Write It Down"

We mentioned last week that you have to know what you want. Once you have figured that portion out, now its time to write it down. Put those ideas on paper. Writing it down might seem like a meaningless step, but doing this helps you visualize your goals and makes them more tangible. Studies have shown that when you write down your goals the percentage of achieving those goals increases.

After you accomplish that, break them down into 2 categories: Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals. Your Long Term Goals are going to be those big goals, your dreams, the big picture and things that would be accomplished in 5 or more years. Think about what you strive to accomplish and the reason why you are doing what you are doing. This timeline will vary for each person as everyone's goals and what they want to do are different.

The other portion is going to be your Short Term Goals. These are going to be your day to day items. The things you need to accomplish in order to get closer to your Long Term Goals. What short term goals do for you is, they build your confidence. As you start to complete each short term goal your hunger and desire to reach the big goals starts to grow. You empower yourself to not allow anything to stop you. This is the process where you grow as a person mentally and emotionally. During this time you will have failures and you will have victories. In each and every one of those moments a valuable lesson is to be learned.

These are the simple steps to building a solid foundation. Prepare yourself to watch your plans unfold and see your dreams come to fruition.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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