Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Execute Series: Week 3 - Execute

"I Dream, I Test My Dreams Against My Beliefs, I Take Risks, And I Execute My Vision To Make Those Dreams Come True"
-Walt Disney

Welcome back everyone to the September edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This month’s series is Execute.  The first week we talked about "Know What You Want". Second weeks topic was called  "Write It Down". This weeks topic will be over "Execute"

 This is it, this is what it all comes down to. As mentioned in the first weeks blog, you have given some serious thought into what it is you really want in life. You've talked about it, you've visualized it and now you are absolutely certain what it is you are after. Next step, we asked you to take that information and write it all down. Write it down anywhere, a notepad, diary, in your phone or a sheet of paper. Where ever you can write it down, go ahead and put it all there. Remember, when you write it down the percentage of achieving those goals increases.

Now here comes the crucial part. It's time to take those plans, ideas, goals and make them come to life. IT'S TIME TO EXECUTE!! In order for any plan or idea to work you must execute those plans. The one area that a lot of us fail in is the execution. We feel that because we did everything prior, all the other stuff should just magically happen. No, you need to follow through all the way to the end and that means putting things into action and making moves. Example: You want to lose weight, ok, you have planned out your diet. You have scheduled your time for your workouts and the only thing left to do is to just do it. No more talking, no more fantasizing, WORK!

 What are you waiting for?? Don't let all that time and effort you put into planning go to waste. You are right there. All you have to do is just execute, its that simple. People tend to not reach their goals because they fear when they try to execute that they will fail. Let me tell you something and I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to say. I guarantee you are going to fail, there is a high probability that failure is going to happen to you and you will have to start all over. Here is the kicker though, Its OK. Failure is part of the process, its what builds you up and makes you better. You have heard us say this many, many times before. Do you think every successful person that you look up to and admire hit success on the first try every time? Absolutely not, they failed over and over and over. What they got out of it each time was how to do it better and then boom, they hit their mark. Its part of the process and it takes time. The more you do it, the better you get at executing and your success rate increases each time.

We can't stress this enough, Execute, Execute, Execute! Its very important that you let this one marinate in your brain for a while. Without the work, without the execution, all those things you thought about, talked about and wrote down, will only be thoughts. Words with no weight and letters on a piece of paper

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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