Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Trust the Process Series: 30 Day Challenge

Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional. 

-Roger Crawford

Welcome to the Straight Up Mindset Blog!!

What's up Straight Up Nation! Thank you for returning to the blog. This week we are finishing the Trust the Process Series.  When we talk about Trusting the Process, it’s internal. It’s easy to quit, it’s easy to give up, but it is very difficult to Trust the Process and keep going. 

So, week 1 we talked about “Get comfortable with being Uncomfortable.  There will be a point in your growth process, where things will get uncomfortable.  You will doubt yourself, you will question your ability, and you will almost lose Faith in the process.  Please understand, that this is all normal and a part of it.  When you are heading to a new level in life, you have to dig a little deeper and push a little harder, you simply have to continue to Trust the Process. 

Week 2 was “Don’t Doubt Yourself.” One of the biggest dream killers for anyone trying to accomplish goals is having self-doubt. When trying to pursue dreams and obtain goals, doubt is something you can’t afford. You must believe in your ability and persevere through all the struggles. You can’t expect someone else to believe in you or back you up if you don't even believe in yourself.  The first step to achieving anything is to BELIEVE!!  Believe in you and believe in your dreams, because with a little Faith and a lot of Hard Work, anything is possible.

Be Patient” was week 3. When you are working on your dreams and goals, at some point you will get impatient. We live in a society where we want everything right now and anything longer than what we expect is a second too long. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way and don’t expect it to. Things take time and must work its course. Just like the title of this series, you must Trust The Process. Stay the course and continue to put in the work and if you can have a little patience and stay focused, your dreams and goals will become reality. 

Week 4 was “Don’t Deviate.  It is very easy in times of doubt and frustration to deviate from our paths that we chose to walk. You feel like nothing has happened in the time frame you want. In your mind, you want to go another direction, but in reality, you just need to keep the course. If you keep pushing forward and keep on the path you will get there. 

I need you to love yourself enough, to hold yourself accountability.  I know we challenge you to stick to your goals and work on your dreams for 30 days, but for most of us, it’s tough.  Listen guys, I believe in you, I know you can do it.  I know there is better for you and I challenge you to bring out the best in you.  So I am challenging you for the next 30 days to Trust your Process, your dreams are waiting, your goals are unfinished.  If accomplishing goals and making dreams come true was easy, everyone would be doing it, but it can be done.  So I need you to Trust the Process, because you have what it takes.
Straight Up!!

 If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.
FB: straightupmindset
Twitter: @strupmindset
Instagram: straightupmindset
Google +: straightupmindset
Please like, comment, or share to help support the movement. Thank you for being apart of the Straight Up Nation!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Trust the Process Series - Week 4 - Dont Deviate

"Don't let short term problems or opportunities make you deviate from your plan, even if its not the popular decision"
-Evan Carmichael

Welcome everyone to the June edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This month’s theme is going to be  Trust The Process Series. Week 1 we discussed about "Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable", Week 2 was Don't Doubt Yourself. This previous week topic was Be Patient and this weeks title will be Don't Deviate

It is very easy in times of doubt and frustration to deviate from our paths that we chose to walk. You feel like nothing has happened in the time frame you want. In your mind you want to go another direction when in reality you just need to keep the course. If you keep pushing forward and keep on the path you will get there. Its not a race, its a marathon, Stay focused and understand that the journey will be long. Majority of the time we quit and don't realized that we are literally one step away from the goal. When we get tired and feed up with the process that is the moment we need to push harder and dig deeper to push through that last little bit.

Don't deviate from the plan that you have set before yourself. You have already been through soo much pain why quit now?? You've already gone through the sleepless nights, the long hrs and any tears you may have shed along the way. Don't throw all that away because of your feelings or because its not the popular decision. Stick to it, keep grinding and you will get past that speed bump and to the finish line.

So as you keep pressing forward in your journey, remember to stay steady in your plan, steady steady in the process and don't let other sway you into another direction. It is your life, your dreams and your goals. No one else is going to put in the work for you, no one is going to understand or believe in your dreams as much as you do. Everyone is always going to have an opinion for your life and your decisions, but they are not going to be the ones who deal with the aftermath. Believe in yourself and believe in the plan, FINISH STRONG!

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media

FB: straightupmindset

Twitter: @strupmindset

Instagram: straightupmindset

Google +: straightupmindset

Please like, comment, or share to help support the movement.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Trust the Process Series - Week 3 - Be Patient

"Sometimes what we want doesn't happen when we want it to. But that doesn't mean the answer is "No" it just means "Not Right Now"

-Sarah Centrella

Welcome everyone to the June edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This month’s theme is going to be  Trust The Process Series. Last week we discussed about "Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable" and Don't Doubt Yourself. This weeks title is Be Patient

When working towards your dreams and goals we can call get impatient at times. We live in a society where we want everything right now and anything longer than what we expect is a second too long. Unfortunately life doesn't work that way and you shouldn't expect it to. Things take time and have to work its course. Just like the title of this series, you must Trust The Process. Stay the course and continue to put in the work until the outcome you want appears.

You will be tired, you will be frustrated but as long as you are taking the right steps towards your goals just remember that in due time you will prevail. Things will not always work in the time frame that you think it will. We all have a timeline of when we expect things to happen. We say we are going to lose weight by summer, save money to buy a car, take a trip to some exotic place or start a business...etc but some times things happen and those things get pushed back, but do not let that deter you. Just refocus and keep grinding, never let a set back take you off course.

Understand when you see successful people in business, actors/actresses, athletes, we all see the end game.We don't realize the time and the work they put in to get to where they are. All the late nights, blood, sweat and tears that were invested. We see they are millionaires now, but they have pursuing that dream for 5,10,15+ yrs. It wasn't overnight, it took time to obtain all that they have. They were frustrated, they were tired and they were ready to give up at some point. They stayed patient and continue to put in work until they got the results they wanted. So remember that when you feel like its taking too long or not hitting the milestones in the time you want. This doesn't mean you fail or that it's not working out. It just means it will take a little more work and a little more effort.
Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media

FB: straightupmindset

Twitter: @strupmindset

Instagram: straightupmindset

Google +: straightupmindset

Please like, comment, or share to help support the movement.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Trust the Process Series - Week 2 - Dont Doubt Yourself

Always Remember You Are Braver Than You Believe, Stronger Than You Seem And Smarter Than You Think
-Straight Up Mindset

Welcome everyone to the June edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This month’s theme is going to be  Trust The Process Series. Last week we discussed about "Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable". This weeks title is Don't Doubt Yourself
One of the biggest dream killers for anyone trying to accomplish goals is having self doubt. When trying to pursue dreams and obtain goals, doubt is something you cant afford. You must believe in your ability and persevere through all of the struggles. You cant expect someone else to believe in you or back you up if you don't even believe in yourself.

I'm not saying it will be easy because it is a struggle that I have dealt with many many times in my life. I even deal with it now sometimes. I have missed plenty of opportunities because of it and even came close to talking myself out of some great opportunities. It can mess with you, but you have to remind yourself that you are capable. Whatever your goal is do it for a greater purpose.

Understand, you are going to fail, you are going to be scared and you are going to feel like you don't have the ability to succeed.  If you feel this way you will prove yourself right every time. Don't allow  self doubt to keep you from moving forward. Take a moment and realize that without failure there is no lesson learned. The last post we put up the other day said, "a smooth sea never made a skillful sailor."

The last thing I want to add is that if someone is making you doubt yourself, move that feeling aside. Someone of a high skillset might make you feel like you are not up to par, but you need to stop right there. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by another person. If you feel that person has a one up on you, take that as a challenge. There are always going to be people better, but never allow them to out work you. Your mindset needs to be: You may have more money than me, you may have more connections, you may have more accolades, but YOU WILL NOT OUT WORK ME!

I challenge you to believe in yourself, believe in your abilities and believe in the work you put in. Remember its not about being the best, but its about who makes the most improvements.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media

FB: straightupmindset

Twitter: @strupmindset

Instagram: straightupmindset

Google +: straightupmindset

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