Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February: Straight Up Mindset 30 Day Challenge

Image result for quotes about challenging yourself

Welcome to the Straight Up Mindset Blog!

You can have it, You can be it, and You can do it, I just need you to accept the challenge.  There are some things that you are suppose to achieve this year, you just have to stay Consistent and keep Grinding.  I need you to push through the pain, I need you to change your mindset, and I need you stay consistent.  If you embrace the challenge instead of running from it, you will be on the path to success.  Do me a huge favor, don’t shortcut your success, embody being Great every single day.  No excuses, because there is never a good excuse.  Just accept the challenge, stay focused, and get to work!!

So, the first week we talked about Character. "Your talent can take you to a lot of places, but great Character will keep you there.”  Also, understand that Character Counts.

Second week we touched on Integrity. "Money can be re-earned, Love can be reignited, material items can be replaced but Integrity....IS UNRECOVERABLE! Guard it with your life!  A very important fact about Integrity I need you to get, is that everything you say, should line up with the things you do.

Week three was on Work Ethic. The definition of Work Ethic is "A belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character." It is the core and one of the most important aspects when trying to obtain your goals.  If you want to be successful in anything you do, you must get to work, it’s not going to fall in your lap.

This month, I am pushing you again.  If you are willing to accept the challenge for the next 30 days, to work on YOU.  Developing your Character, Having Integrity in every aspect of your life, and to take your Work Ethic to the next level is what I am challenging you to do.  This is your year, this is your season, but it starts with the next 30 days.  Don't worry about your past, because that's history and let's focus on what’s ahead.  You are not alone, I’m with you, so let's do it together.  Your Character, Your Integrity, and Your Work Ethic is this months challenge.  Do you ACCEPT??

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at  Please like, comment, or share to help support the movement.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Work Ethic

Welcome to the Straight Up Mindset Blog!

So let’s recap real quick over what has been talked about over the past few weeks. First week we talked about Character. "Your talent can take you to a lot of places, but great Character will keep you there"

Second week we touched on Integrity. "Money can be re-earned, Love can be reignited, material items can be replaced but Integrity....IS UNRECOVERABLE! Guard it with your life!"

Today's blog is over Work Ethic. The definition of Work Ethic is "A belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character" It is the core and one of the most important aspects when trying to obtain your goals. 

What this means is you have to put in 110% and grind down to the bone. It means putting in work when no one is watching because you are trying to achieve greatness. Not when your boss tells you to, not when you have a due date. It’s when you are by yourself, in the dark, fighting through the pain, fighting through the doubt so when the lights come on its SHOW TIME!  See many people are afraid of work. They shy away from it; they run from it, DON'T RUN FROM IT RUN TOWARDS IT! Ann Landers said it best, "Opportunity Is Disguised as Hard Work" and because of that, a lot of you are running away from the very thing that is going to take you to where you want to go. Life will give back to you what you put in. So why not put in 110% because the return will be just as great and even more.

Like the definition states when you have Work Ethic it strengthens your Character because when you say you are going to do something you do it and you get it done. It builds your Integrity cause when you have a Strong Work Ethic you do what you say and you say what you mean because you have built up that equity from always following through with your word because you go all out. 

So I challenge you to quit running from Work and Start Putting in WORK! If you want it bad enough any other way isn't even an option

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at  Please like, comment, or share to help support the movement.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Ok so last weeks blog was over Character, "Your talent can take you to a lot of places, but great Character will keep you there."

This week’s blog is over Integrity, it is one of the key ingredients to building good character. Integrity is one of those things that takes a lot of work to build up, but only takes one bad decision to ruin for the rest of your life. Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain.

Look at it this way, Money can be re-earned, Love can be reignited, material items can be replaced but Integrity......IS UNRECOVERABLE. Guard it with your life, live in such a way that if anyone would speak badly of you nobody would believe it because you have built the type of integrity. No one will question you.

Now sometimes it will require you to make the unpopular choice, but you are not here to win a popularity contest. You make the right decision because it is the right thing to do and you do it knowing that nobody is going to know whether you did it or not.

It is one of the absolute essentials for success in life, all areas of life. It is not backed by your words, but more so by your actions. It is never compromising your ideals or values regardless of the consequences, even if it hurts your bottom line.

So I challenge you to really evaluate yourself and make sure that you are doing things that build your integrity and not tear it down. Once you lose it, it will be an uphill battle for you to get it back to where it once was.

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at  

Please like, comment, or share to help support the movement.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Having talent doesn’t matter, if your character sucks.  Your talent can take you to a lot of places, but great Character will keep you there.  We need you to understand that Character really counts. So, we want to share a few things with you to help you take your Character to the next level

The first thing you have to do, is keep Developing your Character.  You will always have good days and bad days, but you can always learn something more.  More about yourself, more about your relationships, and even more overall on those bad days, than you do the good.  If you want to keep Developing your character, you must continue you to engage in consistent positive action in every situation that you’re faced with.  Like for instance.  If you know that your Attitude is a troubling area in your life, don’t argue with someone the next time they get on your nerves or say something you don’t like.  You will never start the process on fixing that downfall in your life, until you are put in a tough situation and you start to think before you react.  Your response to any situation will determine the outcome.  You can’t fake your Character, sooner or later the real you will come out.

The second thing is Keep going when you’re in those tough moments.  If you didn’t go through the things you have gone through, you wouldn’t be the Amazing person you are today.  When you go through the tough or challenging times in life, you are building your Character and setting yourself up to handle any situation that comes your way, good or bad.   Here are few things in life you should make note of while developing your Character. 

1.       Honesty

2.       Commitment

3.       Positive Attitude

4.       Approach and Response to things

5.       Ability to Inspire others

Listen guys these are just a few things that we have come to learn that helps build Great Character.  Unfortunately, these things are not the primary Key!  The Key is ultimately in you.  You see, we can tell you several things to help you continue to develop your Character, but at the end of the day, it’s up to you.  

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at  Please like, comment, or share to help support the movement.
