Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Adversity Series: Week 4- What is your WHY?!?!

When The WHY Is Big Enough The HOW Is Easy

-Straight Up Mindset

Welcome to the Straight Up Mindset Blog!!

What's up Straight Up Nation! Thank you for returning to the blog. Remember this month’s theme is the Adversity Series. The first week's blog was "It's Temporarywere we touched on how whatever pain or adversity you are going through is just a moment in time. If you fight through it, a blessing is on the other side. Week 2 was "Quitting Is Not An Optionbecause you have come too far and sacrificed too much to quit now. Week 3 was"Stay The Course" because no matter how tough the road ahead is, you must never veer off the path.

This weeks title is "What is your WHY?" because your why is the fuel that keep you going when things get tough

I challenge you to ask yourself, why are you doing what you are doing?

*Are you doing it because of money? 
*Are you doing it because of the material things you want to have in your possession
*Are you doing it because you want the attention?

If it is anything like the items above or close to it, tell me this: After you obtain those items then what?..... What is your fuel if you are able to possess those things? See when your why is strong it's because its not about you, it's bigger than you. See Bill Gates, Oprah, Warren Buffet, MJ didn't become great because they wanted the house, the cars and the fame. They became great and reached the top because they wanted to be the GREATEST. They had people counting on them to succeed and take them out of poverty and mediocrity. They wanted to leave a legacy behind so that their future kids can be taken care of and keep the legacy going.

Don't let material things drive you, because those things don't carry weight and are temporary. If your why does not go past the list I mentioned above, I encourage you to sit down and really think about why you are doing what you are doing. What is it that is fueling you to reach your goals and be successful. It can be your kids, your parents, you siblings....etc whatever, but really dig deep inside and figure out what that thing is that will help elevate you to the top 

Straight UP!!
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media
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