Welcome everyone to the March edition of the Straight Up
Mindset Blog. This month’s Theme is going to be over DOMINATING THE QUARTER.
We will be talking about Commitment for this first week. The
Quote above states there is a very big difference between Interest and
Commitment. See a lot of you out there are just interested in doing things and
only give anywhere between 50%-75%. Then wonder why it didn't work out for you
or just simply lost interest in it. You can’t go through life just being
interested and not have something behind it that burns inside you and you
become obsessed.
You know why successful people are in the positions they are
in? They are 100% fully committed to their goal and process. They become soo
invested and obsessed with completing the task that nothing will keep them from
finishing and obtaining whatever it is that they want. Example, Jordan, Brady,
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah....etc. The list goes on and on but the one thing
they all have in commons is the level of commitment they put into their craft.
You can’t be successful in anything without a high level of
commitment. So I challenge you to go find out what it is that you really want
out of yourself and life. Once you get that down, I want you to put 120%
commitment into it to obtain your goal. Doesn't matter what that is, fitness,
relationship, career, family. Whatever it is that you are wanting to get to the
next level understand that your level of commitment will determine whether or
not you reach the finish line or fade off into the background
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth,
please feel free to email us at straightupmindset@gmail.com. Please like, comment, or share to help
support the movement.
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