Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Endure Series - Week 1: Be Strong

You Are Strong Enough To Face It All,
Even If It Doesn't Feel Like It Right Now

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the May edition of the blog. This month's series is the Endure Series and this week's topic is Be Strong.

There are moments in your life that will hit you hard. It will seem like the storm will last forever. It will break you down and make you want to give up. I have been through this many times in my life and it doesn't get any easier. These are the moments where you have to be strong. You have to push through the pain to get to the other side. It's not easy and it never will be easy but the one thing you can't do is give up.

Anything worth doing or having is going to come with some adversity and hardship. Through those hardships you must sustain a straight up mindset and push. Keep pushing everyday even when you don't have anything left. When you get to that point you push a little more. These moments in life are what builds you and allows you to get to the next level. Without going through the tough times you will never know what you are truly capable of.

Also remember this, my dad used to tell me this all the time,  "You are always on parade". Meaning eyes are always on you. Someone is watching your every move for 1 of 2 things. They are watching you because they want to see you fail or someone is watching you because they look up to you. They want to see how you handle situations and mimic what you do. So you have to be strong even when you don't think you have the energy to be strong. Always remember this is way bigger than you. It has to be more than about you. When your why is strong then your ability to be strong during the tough moments are that much greater.

So remember when the storm hits, just be strong and push through. You will get to the other side and you will be stronger because of it. The storm doesn't last forever

Straight Up!!

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