To Succeed You Have To Believe In Something With Such A Passion That It Becomes Reality
-Anita Roddick
Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the February edition of the blog. This month's series is the Love Series and this week's topic is Passion.
This week in the Love Series we are going to talk about passion. Now the definition of passion is this: A strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity,
object, or concept. The problem with some of you is that you don't have any passion for what you do. You are just going through the motions everyday but then wonder why you're stuck in the same place, doing the same job, making the same pay. You have to like, No, You have to love what you do and if you don't then why are you doing it?
Look, I was in the same situation you were in. I was fortunate to get a really good job out of college making good money. So much money, I didn't know what to do with myself. I spent it on dumb stuff and didn't plan accordingly. Didn't really care for the job I had, but it paid good and I worked from home. I had a great opportunity and I never applied myself or tried to learn or advance. My natural reaction was to take the path of least resistance and I got real cozy while I worked there. Then reality kicked me square in the teeth and I was laid off. Just got a new car and my wife was pregnant with my daughter. As I was putting my resume together I realized that I didn't have the skills I thought I had to go get another job. I was told I didn't have enough skills for people to hire me and pay me what I was used to getting.
All this happened because I was just going to a job everyday that I didn't take seriously and that I truly didn't have a passion for. After that whole experience, I did some serious thinking and soul searching to find out what I was truly passionate about and what God put me on this earth to do. Once I knew my purpose and realized I was a catalyst to others, I was all in. I dedicated every second of every minute of the day to being the best. I woke up everyday with a joy and excitement that I have never really felt before. I had a feeling of fulfillment and a sense of purpose that propelled me to great heights.
With all that being said, the point that we are trying to get across to you is this: Don't wake up everyday, being miserable and giving 50% effort. Search deep inside of you, think, pray, read or whatever you have to do. Find your purpose and find the real reason why God put you on this earth. Once you find that out, spend every waking moment of your life putting 150% of your energy towards your purpose. No matter how big or how small just go after it. Everybody in this world has a purpose and a role to play. What you do might not seem like much to the world, but it could mean the world to that one person you touch.
Straight Up!!
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