Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
I Can Series: Week 4 - Be Thankful
Is Full Of Give And Take. Give Thanks And Take Nothing For Granted
Welcome to the November edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This month's series is the I Can Series. Week One's topic was over Face Your Fears. Week Two we talked about Focus On The Goal. Week Three was called Let The Haters Hate. This weeks topic is called Be Thankful
This weeks topic is an easy but often over looked thing. With Thanksgiving being tomorrow, this is the perfect time to reflect on what you have and be thankful for it. Many times we tend to get so caught up in the pursuit of our goals that we forget about what we have and what has been accomplished up to this point.
Take this time to give thanks to those who have supported you and have stuck by you through thick and thin. Be thankful for those who have helped you get closer and closer to your goal. Whether it be your spouse, business partner, family or friends, let them know that you appreciate them.
I know some of you might be in a situation that you are not able to do some of the things I mentioned above. Just remember you are still here, living and breathing. You still have an opportunity to turn everything around. There is always something to be grateful for, you just have to have the right mindset to see it. So enjoy some turkey, enjoy the sweet potato pie and enjoy the time with family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving
Straight Up!!
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.
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Twitter: @strupmindset
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Snap Chat: straight up mindset
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017
I Can Series: Week 3 - Let The Haters Hate
"Hold The Vision. Trust The Process."
Welcome to the November edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This month's series is the I Can Series. Week One's topic was over Face Your Fears. Week Two we talked about Focus On The Goal. This weeks topic is called Let The Haters Hate
When pursing your dreams and goals you are 100% guaranteed going to have haters. That one individual or group of people who think your dreams and goals are stupid, ridiculous and too big for you to obtain. Depending how big your family or social circle is, this will happen most of the time. Also, please understand family will and can be your biggest haters. Some of you out there are probably thinking how could that be? They should be your biggest supporters. Which in theory they should, but that's not always the case. One of the things that I have noticed in my own experience that occurs with family (depending how close the relationship is) is that they are comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings with you. What they don't realize is that when they do this they are more than likely projecting their own fears and short comings onto your life.
Now, I understand that some will actually give you some sound advice. You need to be able to take that feedback and use it to your benefit. Most cases, it will come from their inability to really comprehend the full depth and meaning of why you are pursuing your dreams. It really doesn't matter if they do to be honest with you. It is your dreams and your goals, no one said that you had to have supporters when pursuing your dreams. There are no laws or rules that say you must believe in me or else. That is entirely up to you if you will succeed. People are entitled to their opinions and that is true, but you are also entitled to not allow what they say to hinder your thoughts and feelings on the matter either.
Look, I'm not saying to just starting cutting all relationships you have with people who don't agree with your vision. All I'm saying is don't allow their opinions to dictate your outcome. Learn to decipher who just doesn't see your vision and who is actually trying to give you solid guidance. Remember this while you are on your journey. You will have haters in the beginning and you will have haters even after you make it. Just look at what is on T.V. and on social media. No matter how big of a name or how much money you have in the bank, someone is always going to have an opinion on your life and the choices you make. You just have to be strong within yourself to be OK with your decisions and move forward whether you fail or succeed.
Straight Up!!
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.
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Twitter: @strupmindset
Instagram: straightupmindset
Google +: straightupmindset
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.
FB: straightupmindset
Twitter: @strupmindset
Instagram: straightupmindset
Google +: straightupmindset
Snap Chat: straight up mindset
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Wednesday, November 8, 2017
I Can Series: Week 2 - Focus On The Goal
Focus On The Outcome Not The Obstacle
-Straight Up Mindset
Welcome to the November edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This months series is the I Can Series. Week One's topic was over Face Your Fears. This week topic is called Focus On The Goal.
In our previous series called the Execute Series, we went over a topic called Write It Down.
Hopefully you have done this portion already as it will help guide you. Now that you have written down your goals, short and long term, you can put your focus into accomplishing them.When you write them down, those goals are now beacons for you to use to stay on the course. Your probably asking what do I mean by that, well here is the explanation.
When in pursuit of obtaining your goals and success we run into pitfalls and adversity. We get frustrated, angry and just want to give up sometimes and that's normal. Its all a part of the process so don't feel like its only you that is experiencing this. We easily lose sight and deviate from the plan. We tend to forget why we are doing what we are doing and lose the enthusiasm we once started with. This is where physically having those goals in front of you comes into play. For instance, I go through the same scenario when things get a little crazy for me. When I start to feel things slip or I catch myself doing things that are not helping. I look back at my goals that I have written down and pull myself back together and re-energize to keep on progressing towards my goals again.
See that was my beacon, that was my compass to help put me back on my path to greatness. We all get lost, but you have to find your way back every time. You must have some sort of tether, otherwise you will just keep drifting further and further away. So remember to write down your goals, put them somewhere so you can see it everyday. Whether you are leaving for work in the morning or before you go to bed.You need to have those goals somewhere that you can see and read all the time to remind you and to help keep you on the path. The road will be long, and it will be tough, but keep on moving forward and I promise you the journey will all be worth it.
Straight Up!!
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.
FB: straightupmindset
Twitter: @strupmindset
Instagram: straightupmindset
Google +: straightupmindset
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.
FB: straightupmindset
Twitter: @strupmindset
Instagram: straightupmindset
Google +: straightupmindset
Snap Chat: straight up mindset
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Wednesday, November 1, 2017
I Can Series: Week 1 - Face Your Fears
Don't Let the Things You Cant Do Overshadow The Things You Can.
Welcome to the November edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This months series is the I Can Series. Week One's topic is called Face Your Fears.
Fear is the number one killer of dreams. Fear of not meeting expectations, fear of failure and even fear of Success. The fear of success is just as big as the fear of failure. Some feel that succeeding is the overwhelming feeling of responsibility and the high standards that come with it can makes a person feel uncomfortable. Don't allow these feelings to hold you back from your greatness. Don't minimize your greatness because of fear. I say that because I have lived through it. You've heard me say this before, I have missed out on a lot of opportunities because I had a very deep rooted fear of failure.
I was not willing to face my fears and rise to the challenge. My mindset was "What if it doesn't work!?" instead of saying "What if it does work?" A lot of times the path to your Destiny is laid out in front of you, but you have to have the courage to take that first step. Be bold enough to take the challenges head on and not give up. Its not easy and it will never get easier but, you will get stronger. You will be able to endure more and push farther. When you reach the end, you will not be the same person as when you started. From this day forward do not let fear keep you tied down. Free yourself by taking that leap of faith and go after whatever it is you want. If it doesn't work out so what, at the end of it all at least you wont look back on your life and say to yourself "What If".
Remember, everything you ever dreamed of being, everything you ever wanted to do and be is right there in front of you. You have to go out there and take it, no one is going to hand you anything. Fear is a mindset just like anything else. You have the ability to control your mindset and dictate your outcome. Don't let fear keep you from achieving your dreams anymore. Stand tall and conquer whatever it is that has been holding you back. This is your day and your time, seize this moment as it can be the turning point that takes your life to another level.
Welcome to the November edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This months series is the I Can Series. Week One's topic is called Face Your Fears.
Fear is the number one killer of dreams. Fear of not meeting expectations, fear of failure and even fear of Success. The fear of success is just as big as the fear of failure. Some feel that succeeding is the overwhelming feeling of responsibility and the high standards that come with it can makes a person feel uncomfortable. Don't allow these feelings to hold you back from your greatness. Don't minimize your greatness because of fear. I say that because I have lived through it. You've heard me say this before, I have missed out on a lot of opportunities because I had a very deep rooted fear of failure.
I was not willing to face my fears and rise to the challenge. My mindset was "What if it doesn't work!?" instead of saying "What if it does work?" A lot of times the path to your Destiny is laid out in front of you, but you have to have the courage to take that first step. Be bold enough to take the challenges head on and not give up. Its not easy and it will never get easier but, you will get stronger. You will be able to endure more and push farther. When you reach the end, you will not be the same person as when you started. From this day forward do not let fear keep you tied down. Free yourself by taking that leap of faith and go after whatever it is you want. If it doesn't work out so what, at the end of it all at least you wont look back on your life and say to yourself "What If".
Remember, everything you ever dreamed of being, everything you ever wanted to do and be is right there in front of you. You have to go out there and take it, no one is going to hand you anything. Fear is a mindset just like anything else. You have the ability to control your mindset and dictate your outcome. Don't let fear keep you from achieving your dreams anymore. Stand tall and conquer whatever it is that has been holding you back. This is your day and your time, seize this moment as it can be the turning point that takes your life to another level.
Straight Up!!
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.
FB: straightupmindset
Twitter: @strupmindset
Instagram: straightupmindset
Google +: straightupmindset
If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.
FB: straightupmindset
Twitter: @strupmindset
Instagram: straightupmindset
Google +: straightupmindset
Snap Chat: straight up mindset
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