Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Control Series: Week 1 - Control Your Emotions

When You Control Your Thoughts & Emotions, You Control Everything.
Marshall Sylver
Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the September edition of the blog. This month's series is the Control Series and this week's topic is Control Your Emotions.
This topic is something that I struggle with daily. I wear my heart on my sleeve and always feel the need to respond when it's really not necessary. I was picked on and bullied as a child so I always feel the need to defend myself and prove something. Over the years I have learned that when you allow your emotions to carry you like that, you tend to hurt yourself even more so than if you just didn't say anything in the first place.
I've learned to pick and choose my battles and that most of the time your silence speaks volumes. Now obviously it's easier said than done when trying to control your emotions. It takes a lot of practice and fine tuning to be aware when a situation starts to get to a certain point. You really need to have a good understanding of who you are to catch yourself before you get to that point. Do I still get caught up in certain situations because of my emotions, absolutely. I have gotten better and continue to work on my control everyday.
Letting your emotions run wild can hinder your progress to being a better you. It can hinder your  success in whatever you are trying to pursue. It can take years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears and you throw it all down the drain. Your emotions can cause you to be petty and be perceived as very immature. Don't allow a situation or a person to get you to that point. Understand what is going on and try to anticipate the moment of escalation and act accordingly. This only happens through repetition.
Taking full ownership when you do slip up and then being able to self assess or take constructive criticism from those who are genuinely trying to help you. Our ego and pride can sometimes block us from learning from a situation. We naturally want to point the finger and play the blame game. So understand this, being able to control your emotions is a huge strength. It can help you avoid a lot of situations and obstacles that escalate into something that will only hurt you.
So do me a favor, take a step back, breath, gather your thoughts and make sure your response is of a calm nature. If you are unable to do so simply leave the situation and wait until you have calmed yourself before responding. Then come back accordingly to address the issue. Also, you can simply not respond at all. Not all situations require a response and your silence can be a louder statement than any words.
Straight Up!! If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Leadership Series - Week 3: Have A Plan

If You Fail To Plan, Then You Plan To Fail

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the August edition of the blog. This month's series is the Leadership Series and this week's topic is Have a Plan.

You have established a vision, you are empathetic towards your team. The last part now is having a plan and executing that plan. You have to realize that the first 2 leadership qualities I mentioned do not really matter if you don't get the job done. If you as a leader don't deliver, then any trust or belief you did have will eventually disappear.

Being able to execute your vision and plan is not a skill that many people possess, but it is a quality that a leader must master in order to become effective. All great leaders in history had the ability to implement all 3 skillsets to achieve their goal. Now this doesn't require extraordinary talent, but it does require some self-awareness and hard work to build those skills up. This is not a simple task. I am constantly working towards this and fail and learn something new everyday. As long as you are heading in the right direction that's all that matters.

A lot of it will come through experience and mentorship. You will take a few bumps and bruises while trying to work on the skills it requires to become a good leader. It also helps if you can find someone to take you under their wing and guide you through the process. Just make sure that everyone is held accountable for their portion and EXECUTE, EXECUTE, EXECUTE!!!
Straight Up!! If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Leadership Series - Week 2: Emotional Awareness

"A Key Component Of Leadership Is Having The Ability To Understand The Emotional Make Up Of Other People"
-Straight Up Mindset
Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the August edition of the blog. This month's series is the Leadership Series and this week's topic is Emotional Awareness.

One of the key qualities of a leader is having the ability to understand and connect on an emotional and mental level. Truly understanding what makes their team tick, understanding why they do what they do. Also what makes them feel insecure and what they really care about.

This allows you to know how to approach each team member in different situations and get the best out of them each time. If you don't master this part of leadership, you will have a difficult time in persuading them into doing what is needed to reach a common goal. When you are connected to your team on this level you are able to develop the right type of culture and environment that breeds positive results.

I have seen how good and bad leadership can make or break a team. I've seen great employees become disengaged and have low productivity due to bad leadership. I have also seen the other side of the spectrum and notice those who normally have weak performances increase their productivity and bring even greater value to the team.

Bottom line is, when your team sees and knows that your genuinely care about them, they go the extra mile.  Having an understanding on how they feel makes them feel appreciated on a deeper level. Be aware of others emotions and what is going on with them at that time. I'm not saying hold their hands and baby sit them, that is not it at. What I am saying is understand what motivates them. Understand what issues they might have going on in their life that could possibly affect their performance and not be so results driven and cold to their feelings

Straight Up!! If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Leadership Series - Week 1: The Vision

Leadership Is Not A Position Or A Title, It Is Action And Example

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the August edition of the blog. This month's series is the Leadership Series and this week's topic is The Vision.

Being a leader is a very big responsibility. You are the one that everyone looks to for guidance. They entrust you to lead them on the right path. In order to do this you have to have an unwavering conviction towards your vision. You must know the direction you want your team to go. It's very important to be very sure and certain in what you are doing and where you are taking them. The journey and process can be complex and seem very uncertain at times.

The people you are leading will easily deviate from the place or the path because they will get distracted by the many variables that comes with uncharted territories. This is where your leadership helps bring them back  to regroup. Help them remember the overall plan and stay the course. A leader must also be very logical and help get everyone on the same page with the bigger picture. When people start to feel uncomfortable or unable to see the vision, you will be challenged. If you are not able to be logical and justify the ultimate goal, it can cause the team to lose confidence in you.

Lastly, the leader must be the most passionate in the entire group in whatever project is being worked. Your energy must cascade to every member, you set the tone for how the project is going to go. If your energy is low then everyone else's energy will be lower than that. Remember you are the lighthouse that guides the ships safely through the seas. If your light dims or goes out then everyone is guaranteed to crash.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Endure Series - Week 5: 30 Day Challenge!!

Enjoy When You Can, And Endure When You Must
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the May edition of the blog. This month's series is the Endure Series and this week is 30 Day Challenge!!

It's the end of the month so you know what time it is. Let's finish out this month strong with our 30 Day Challenge. They say it takes 21 days to build a habit, well we are giving you 30!

As always we are wanting you to apply the principles we have provided to you from the previous blogs this month. It's one thing for you to read the blogs but to be effective you must also apply them.

Week 1 we said Be Strong. You will run into moments in your life where adversity will hit you hard. It will feel like every move your make doesn't work out. The burden of failure will start to weigh you down. In those moments lie the true test of your strength, you must endure. So, remember when the storm hits, just be strong and push through. You will get to the other side and you will be stronger because of it. The storm doesn't last forever

Week 2 we talked about Patience. Life is going to punch you in the mouth, its guaranteed. In those moments you must take a step back, breath and remember that this is just a moment in time that you are being tested. Nothing happens over night, good or bad. So continue to grind it out and know that you will make it, you will overcome and conquer your situation.

Week 3 we talked about Pain.  Pain and struggle are inevitable. In order to overcome it you have to know and understand and you are built for this. You will succeed if you just believe that you can. Just know that the pain you go through today will just make you stronger for tomorrow. Every challenge you go through is a learning opportunity. It's the experience that helps shape and define you

Week 4 we talked about Its Not The End. We all go through it, we've all had that overwhelming feeling come over us. This rush of panic and defeat comes filling our minds and heart. We tend to forget or underestimate how strong and capable we are. You wouldn't be here today if you were not able to get through adversity. You have to remember that this is not the end. God didn't call you to be a victim, he called you to be a victor. So go be victorious!

This week and as we do at the end of every series, we challenge you to take all we discussed in the previous weeks and start applying them to your life. We don't want you to read the blogs and just feel motivated. Motivation is not an impulse of the body or a personality trait. Motivation is
an intention and a will of a mind that wants more than to just be average. If you apply what we give you then you start to change your mindset. When your mindset changes then you start to see your life change for the better

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Endure Series - Week 4: Its Not The End

"It's Not An Ending. It's Just The Point In The Story Where You Turn The Page."
Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the May edition of the blog. This month's series is the Endure Series and this week's topic is Its Not The End.
We all go through it, we've all had that overwhelming feeling come over us. This rush of panic and defeat comes filling our minds and heart. Then your mindset changes from positive thoughts to negative thoughts. Then we think, its over. No coming back from this, cant fix this or that....etc
You have to remember that this is not the end. This is not how your story ends at all. You must realized that this is just a blip in time. A moment in your movie that you will get passed. There will come a time when you will look back on that moment and say to yourself, "Why was I so worried about that?". First, you must remember to believe in yourself no matter the situation, you will get through it. Second, you are undefeated in life. Meaning, look back on all the trials and tribulations you have been through in your life and you are still here.
We tend to forget or underestimate how strong and capable we are. You wouldn't be here today if you were not able to get through adversity. Yes it is tough, yes it is scary sometimes but things that are worth the effort are rarely easy to obtain.
So remember this, if you don't remember anything else we talk to you about in this blog or any other blog. You have heard us say this on our videos. God didn't call you to be a victim, he called you to be a victor. So go be victorious!
Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Endure Series - Week 3: Pain = Success

At The End Of Pain Is SUCCESS!
-Eric Thomas

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the May edition of the blog. This month's series is the Endure Series and this week's topic is Pain = Success.

I can see your face right now as you read this title. How does pain = success?!? Most successful people have a painful story. Majority of them have a successful ending to their story. Pain doesn't just show up in our lives for no reason. It's a sign that something needs to change. Are you willing to make that change is the question. I said this in the previous blog Patience, life isn't peaches and roses all the time.

Tony Robbins said it best " The secret of success is learning how to use the pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you." Use the pain to push you towards greatness. Don't sit around waiting for a pity party. Pain is temporary, Success last forever!.

So don't run from it, embrace it. Pain and struggle are inevitable. In order to overcome it you have to know and understand and you are built for this. You will succeed if you just believe that you can. Just know that the pain you go through today will just make you stronger for tomorrow. Every challenge you go through is a learning opportunity. It's the experience that helps shape and define you.

So remember, the pain from regret last forever and is a hundred times worst then pain from the process. At the end of the process is feeling of victory and success.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Endure Series - Week 2: Patience

To Lose Patience Is To Lose The Battle
-Mahatma Gandhi
Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the May edition of the blog. This month's series is the Endure Series and this week's topic is Patience.

This topic is probably one of the most difficult things for a person to do. Until this day I have trouble being patient. We all have lofty goals and big dreams. We live in a society where we want things right now. Instantaneous gratification is what people are looking for now a days. The thing we have to understand is that, things won't happen instantly and not everything last forever.

I'm not going to go into detail but I have had to endure a lot of pain in my life. Some big, some small but the biggest factor that helped me navigate through it all was my ability to be patient. To ENDURE and allow the healing process to take its course. I would remind myself everyday that "The rain doesn't last forever". Meaning the sun will come out eventually but until that time comes I will keep pushing, keep grinding and always move forward.

A lot of you who are reading this understand that life isn't always peaches and roses. Life will punch you right in the mouth and laugh as the blood drips from your lip. It is in those moments where you must take a step back, take a deep breath and understand that this is part of the process. Understand that this is just a moment in time that you will overcome, you will endure. Think about how far you have come. You are not the same person you were before. That did not happen over night. That happened from the will and determination to change and succeed.

I will leave you with this quote from Martin Luther King Jr. "Quietly Endure, Silently Suffer and Patiently Wait" The two people that we have quoted in this blog are two very great examples of those who had extreme patience. Their ability to be patient and understand what is at the end of the dark road help changed lives. So remember, Life doesn't get easier. You just get better at being able to handle it

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Endure Series - Week 1: Be Strong

You Are Strong Enough To Face It All,
Even If It Doesn't Feel Like It Right Now

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the May edition of the blog. This month's series is the Endure Series and this week's topic is Be Strong.

There are moments in your life that will hit you hard. It will seem like the storm will last forever. It will break you down and make you want to give up. I have been through this many times in my life and it doesn't get any easier. These are the moments where you have to be strong. You have to push through the pain to get to the other side. It's not easy and it never will be easy but the one thing you can't do is give up.

Anything worth doing or having is going to come with some adversity and hardship. Through those hardships you must sustain a straight up mindset and push. Keep pushing everyday even when you don't have anything left. When you get to that point you push a little more. These moments in life are what builds you and allows you to get to the next level. Without going through the tough times you will never know what you are truly capable of.

Also remember this, my dad used to tell me this all the time,  "You are always on parade". Meaning eyes are always on you. Someone is watching your every move for 1 of 2 things. They are watching you because they want to see you fail or someone is watching you because they look up to you. They want to see how you handle situations and mimic what you do. So you have to be strong even when you don't think you have the energy to be strong. Always remember this is way bigger than you. It has to be more than about you. When your why is strong then your ability to be strong during the tough moments are that much greater.

So remember when the storm hits, just be strong and push through. You will get to the other side and you will be stronger because of it. The storm doesn't last forever

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Legacy Series - Week 3: Break The Cycle

Be The Change You Wish To See In The World

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the April edition of the blog. This month's series is the Legacy Series and this week's topic is Break The Cycle.

One of the key components of leaving a legacy is shedding the old and implementing something new and positive. We often get caught up in a bad wave or thoughts and ideas that have been passed down from generation to generation. We are misinformed or misguided when it comes to handling issues in life or how to pursue or maintain goals. If you are reading this right now then that means you have discovered and are aware of the issue and now want to make the change

Now breaking the cycle can come in many forms. It can be that you grew up in a family where a father figure is not present and you refuse to be an absent father in your child's life. Maybe your family lives in poverty and you want to provide a better life for them. Whatever that looks like for you, everyone's situation is different. In those situations you can either turn a blind eye and not do anything or you can be the reason that future generations will live a better life.

That is how legacies are created, that's how you pave the way for the future. When you see something and know it can be better you have to stand up and be that change. Think about all the historic heroes we have and the changes they made to make our lives a better one. If they didn't decide to take a stand and make a change, who knows how our lives would be.

Don't be afraid to be the change that is needed. Put forth the effort to not only improve your life but the lives of others. Whether that is in your immediate family or in the world. Just know that you can be the motivation and the spark that ignites people to shift the thoughts of people around the world and make it a better place for all.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Legacy Series - Week 2: Choices

"Life Is The Sum Of All Your Choices"
-Albert Camus
Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the April edition of the blog. This month's series is the Legacy Series and this week's topic is Choices.
In our previous topic Create Your Legacy we talked about leaving a legacy for your family and others to follow and build off of. Well in order to create your legacy you have to make the proper choices that lead up to that. We are all presented with choices at every juncture in our lives. Big or small each choice we make guides us down a path that leads us to another choice.
You cant escape it and you cant just ignore it. If you are not at the place you want to be in life, you can easily back track to each decision you have made in your life to determine where you went astray. Now remember, some choices are harder than others. In order to create the legacy you want you must make some hard decisions. Sacrifices must be made, but are you willing to make those sacrifices? See, these are the type of choices that need to be made. Are you going to lay in bed and watch TV or are you going to go to the gym and get your workout in so you can live a healthy lifestyle? That choice can in turn influence someone else to start working out and eating right.
Will you go out and party with your friends? Or will you stay home, put in the extra effort to study so you can pass your exams to graduate and get your degree? That can also influence someone to go back to school and finish their degree because they have seen you do it. You sparked a fire in them to complete that goal. We said it in the previous blog, it's the ripple effect that we are after. What you do and the choices you make not only effect you but it can influence others to make a change in their life for the better.
Not every choice you are presented with is a crossroads moment, but each decision big or small can change the trajectory of your life. It can open one door and close another. It can lead you to a dead-end or take you to the promise land. So be cognizant of the choices you make and be sure that helps and not hinders you from achieving your goals and creating the legacy you want to leave behind 
Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Legacy Series - Week 1: Create Your Legacy

"You Get To Decide The Legacy That You Leave"


Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the March edition of the blog. This month's series is the Legacy Series and this week's topic is Create Your Legacy.

Legacy is something very important but yet very few put forth enough thought into it. Legacy is the lasting impact we make in the lives of others. Legacy is about life and living. It's about learning from the past, living in the present, and building for the futureWhat are you doing to build your legacy?

What are you contributing during your time on this earth that will help propel your family forward and upward? All the time I'm always trying to be aware of what I'm doing and how it can have a positive impact on those around me. My wife, my kids, family members and friends. It's one of the motivating factors as to why we started to do this blog. We wanted to contribute something to help make the world a better place. To help someone who might have lost hope and felt like it's not worth being here anymore. We do this in hopes that the person who is thinking and feeling that way will read the blog and have new found hope on life. 

That is why we do it. We understand that God has blessed us with a gift to help those who are in need. We do this in hopes that it will spark a fire in someone else to go out and begin their journey in helping others. The ripple affect is what we are looking for. Us doing this one thing will begin to spread and touch more and more people in a positive way. 

Leaving a legacy is an important part of your life’s work. A legacy develops from a life dedicated to self-reflection and purpose. So remember the work, time and effort you put in today will build your legacy for tomorrow. Continue to use your gift to help build others so they can use their gift and create their own legacy.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Growth Series: Week 3 - Start Small

Start Small And Dream Big
-Robert Kiyosaki

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the March edition of the blog. Last week we talked about Expanding Your Horizons. This week's topic is Start Small.

We all have big dreams and aspirations to build something or to become something great. That's a great mindset to have. The other side to that is the part a lot of people are missing including myself from time to time. We forget to start with the little things. We tend to get caught up with the people and companies that are already big. Its easy to envision in your mind that is where you want to be right now but it doesn't work that way. You have to understand that even Apple and Microsoft had very small and humble beginnings.

You have to master the small stuff before you can conquer the big things. If you just jump straight into the big stuff you are sure to fail as you have not put in the time and work to build a strong foundation. We all know that if your foundation is weak everything that you have built up to that point will crumble beneath you. There are examples all around you that you haven't paid close attention to. Facebook once started out as a small social media app for just college students to connect with others who had similar interest and ideals. Now look at Facebook, they are a juggernaut in the social media market. Like I mentioned before, Microsoft started in Bill Gates garage as an idea and dream that not many people wanted to believe and invest in. Now those who didn't make that initial investment are regretting it.

It’s like the old saying "How do you eat an entire elephant? One bit at a time" That is the mentality you have to take when trying to execute any plan. Its easy to succumb to the feeling of urgency to do everything now. Sometimes that is needed depending on the situation, but that is the quickest way to sabotage your plans. Establish good habits and be consistent at the little things first. Many small victories lead to a big victory

Stay focused on longevity and building long term momentum. Continue to conquer the small things that will help you get towards your bigger goal.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Growth Series: Week 2 - Expanding Your Horizons

A Mind That Is Stretched By New Experiences Can Never Go Back To Its Old Dimensions
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the March edition of the blog. Last week we talked about having a Growth Mindset. This week's topic is Expanding Your Horizons.

Expanding your horizons is one of the greatest lessons you can ever experience. It means learning or experiencing something you never have, or opening yourself up to new ideas and opinions. This can be achieved by many methods and the most common is traveling. Try to experience a different place with different people and take in a culture. Plan a trip to Spain, France or even New York. There are lots of ways of achieving this and one doesn't have to be mutually exclusive to one another

For instance, I have never been much of a reader but I knew in order for me to grow and learn I needed to break out of my negative mindset about reading and start. Now I love it and I have learned so much. I have learned not only about new thought process, but also about myself. I have improved my life by simply changing my perception and actually putting myself out there to try something new. Another example is that I am naturally an introvert. In my readings I learned that in order to be successful you have to put your self out there and get people to buy into who you are. I couldn't fulfill this by sitting in the back of a room keeping to myself. How can you expect anyone to believe in you or buy into whatever it is you are trying to put out there if you are being timid and reserved? When I answered that question for myself, things started to change. 

Expanding your horizons takes courage and requires you to break out of your comfort zone. Now a days it's just easier to follow the crowd and blend in. You will never truly learn who you are and what you are capable of if you just simple do what is easy and convenient. Now as always we tell you guys that its not easy and never will be easy especially because everyone usually conforms to the ways of society. In order for you to really comprehend the  gift you have been blessed with you have to be able to stretch yourself.

So go ahead and take a trip somewhere exotic, go back to school to get your degree or start that business. Mix it up, don't be afraid to do a 180 and see what this life has to offer. I promise you will not regret the experience.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Twitter: @strupmindset

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Snap Chat: straight up mindset

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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Growth Series: Week 1 - Growth Mindset

In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, Oh, I'm going to reveal my weakness, you say, WOW, here's a chance to grow.

-Carol S. Dweck

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the March edition of the blog. This month's series is the Growth Series and this week's topic is Growth Mindset.

Having a growth mindset means you believe in your talent through hard work, good strategies, and input from others. You must embody a growth mindset, to encourage appropriate risk taking and understanding that not all plans or risk will always pan out. In order to stay in this state you truly have to re-evaluate yourself and not be intimidated when there is someone smarter than you. Don't feel inferior when someone is more savy than you in a certain area. You have to accept that there is always going to be someone better at what you do, but also see that moment as an opportunity to learn and get better.

There are certain factors that can take you out of the growth mindset and keep you out of it. Here are a few examples of situations that can take you out of the growth mindset and place you in what they call a fixed mindset. When we face challenges or adversity, when we receive criticism or we start to compare ourselves to others because we might feel like we don't have what it takes. Our insecurities are what make us fall back into comfort zones and bad habits. You have to remove that type of thinking and understand that the challenges, the adversity and the criticism are the answers you need in order to get to the next level. 

Flip the negative around and use it to your benefit. If all people did was tell you that you are great an stroke your ego you would never grow and never learn. If you didn't have anyone to challenge you or push you to your limits, you would get complacent. It's like working out in the gym. Everyone thinks they are strong or in great shape until they run into that person that just blows them out the water and shows them a whole other level of physical fitness. Same thing in life, everyone thinks they are the smartest or the best at what they do until that one person comes along and makes you realize you got some room for growth.

Embrace those who challenge you, Embrace those who make you push past your comfort zone. Michael Jordan wouldn't be the legendary athlete he is today if it wasn't for all those who pushed him, who challenged him day in and day out. Kobe wouldn't be the legend he has made himself to be if it wasn't because of Jordan. So, always be in a growth mindset and always push to be better. If you find someone who is more knowledgeable, collaborate with them and see if you can learn from them instead of thinking they are out to destroy you. Also, be the one who contributes to others being in a growth mindset. Share your knowledge with others and help them grow. All it does is spread unto others and makes the world a better place.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Love Series: Week 3 - Faithfulness

The Lord Measures The Faithfulness Of Our Labor, Not Our Success

-John Piper

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the February edition of the blog. This month's series is the Love Series and this week's topic is Faithfulness.

Just like in a relationship it's just as important to have faithfulness when pursing your goals. What we mean by that is, don't focus on the outcome. Focus on doing things the right way. Over time the wins will come, the numbers will rise and the outcome will happen. See, when you focus on the process the goal happens automatically as it is the by product of the process. Once you set the goal whether it be business, personal....etc, be obsessed with the daily rituals required to reach that goal. The reason why you must be faithful in the process is because once you understand it,  love it and become consumed with it. You can then reproduce it, then apply it towards any goal.

See the thing people fail to realize is the goal will always change. You complete one goal and then it's on to the next one. The secret is the process always stays the same. This is why today's topic is over faithfulness. You have to stay faithful to the process because the process is what's going to get you the end results every time. How many people you know that have all these great ideas but never accomplish any of them? That is because they either don't want to put in the work or they don't have the faithfulness towards the process.

Think of your goals as Love(Stay with me on this because its all about to make sense here in a sec.) Goals, just like love take time. They need to be nurtured, it takes a lot of time and energy to invest. If you focus on the goal and not the process, you inevitably compromise. For instance, a person who focuses on money will most likely end up in debt. The money is what comes to you when you focus on doing the right things in the first place. So remember, be faithful in the work that you put in. Just like love, if you are not faithful and fully committed the relationship is bound to fail.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Twitter: @strupmindset

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Snap Chat: straight up mindset

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Love Series: Week 2 - Love

Do What You Love And You'll Never Work A Day In Your Life

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the February edition of the blog. This month's series is the Love Series and this week's topic is LOVE.

This week in the Love Series we are going to talk about, you guessed it, LOVE. It's amazing how this topic for the blog lands on this exact date as Valentines Day. Now all though it is Valentines Day and most guys are out right now scrambling to get a last min gift(C'mon Fellas). That Love is not what we are discussing today. Today we are talking about loving what you do.

How many of you out there are in a profession or work in an area that you truly love? I want you to really think about this question. Do you wake up ready to go and conquer the day at work? Do you get fulfillment from your job or profession? If the answer is no then its time to re-evaluate things. If your job seems like a burden everyday you go in, then why are you there? Think about all the hours you work at your job. All the nonsense you put up with at work from managers and co-workers. You allow yourself to get beat down everyday and you endure this pain because what? Its a paycheck? Good benefits? Think about if you put forth that same effort towards actually doing what you love how much more rewarding that would be for you and those around you?

Will it pay as much upfront, probably not but your reasoning has to be deeper than money. Most successful people who pursued their love and passion started out with just hopes and dreams and not a dime to their name. The difference is they truly loved and believed in what they were doing. They endured the same pain and hardship as you do, but they are being fulfilled by doing what they love to do. Don't waste your time at some dead end job anymore. We've said this to you before, sit down and really think about what you are called to do. Write it down, talk to someone about it and pray about it. I promise you the answer will come. Before we started D&J Empowerment Group I had no clue what I was meant to do. I was all over the place from Basketball player, artist, producer...etc. None of that worked out cause it wasn't what I was meant to do.

Until one day I realized that it was right under my nose. I've always helped people and tried to help guide people in their life journey. God placed Durale and I on the same path and we formed D&J Empowerment Group. We started our journey by Encouraging, Inspiring and Empowering Communities. The kicker is I didn't figure this out until my 30's. You are not to young to start figuring out what it is you are here to do. Also you are not too old to find your calling and pursue it. The key is once you figure it out you have to pour every ounce of your soul into it and persevere.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Twitter: @strupmindset

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Google +: straightupmindset

Snap Chat: straight up mindset

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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Love Series: Week 1 - Passion

To Succeed You Have To Believe In Something With Such A Passion That It Becomes Reality

-Anita Roddick

Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the February edition of the blog. This month's series is the Love Series and this week's topic is Passion.

This week in the Love Series we are going to talk about passion. Now the definition of passion is this: A strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. The problem with some of you is that you don't have any passion for what you do. You are just going through the motions everyday but then wonder why you're stuck in the same place, doing the same job, making the same pay. You have to like, No, You have to love what you do and if you don't then why are you doing it?

Look, I was in the same situation you were in. I was fortunate to get a really good job out of college making good money. So much money, I didn't know what to do with myself. I spent it on dumb stuff and didn't plan accordingly. Didn't really care for the job I had, but it paid good and I worked from home. I had a great opportunity and I never applied myself or tried to learn or advance. My natural reaction was to take the path of least resistance and I got real cozy while I worked there. Then reality kicked me square in the teeth and I was laid off. Just got a new car and my wife was pregnant with my daughter. As I was putting my resume together I realized that I didn't have the skills I thought I had to go get another job. I was told I didn't have enough skills for people to hire me and pay me what I was used to getting.

All this happened because I was just going to a job everyday that I didn't take seriously and that I truly didn't have a passion for. After that whole experience, I did some serious thinking and soul searching to find out what I was truly passionate about and what God put me on this earth to do. Once I knew my purpose and realized I was a catalyst to others, I was all in. I dedicated every second of every minute of the day to being the best. I woke up everyday with a joy and excitement that I have never really felt before. I had a feeling of fulfillment and a sense of purpose that propelled me to great heights.

With all that being said, the point that we are trying to get across to you is this: Don't wake up everyday, being miserable and giving 50% effort. Search deep inside of you, think, pray, read or whatever you have to do. Find your purpose and find the real reason why God put you on this earth. Once you find that out, spend every waking moment of your life putting 150% of your energy towards your purpose. No matter how big or how small just go after it. Everybody in this world has a purpose and a role to play. What you do might not seem like much to the world, but it could mean the world to that one person you touch.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


FB: straightupmindset

Twitter: @strupmindset

Instagram: straightupmindset

Google +: straightupmindset

Snap Chat: straight up mindset

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Prove It Series: Week 4 - Walk The Walk

Don' Talk, Act. Don't Say, Show. Don't Promise, Prove.


Welcome to the January edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This months series is called the Prove It Series. First weeks topic was over Accountability, Second weeks topic was over Build Your Circle, and last weeks topic was Cut it out. This weeks title is called Walk the Walk.

I hear a lot of people tell me "This is my year" or "I got big plans this year".....etc. I hear a lot of talking, but I don't see any action being taken. No more talking, its time to grind. It's time to actually do the work and start building some sweat equity. It's great that you have dreams and ideas but start turning them into reality. Hopes and dreams are great for planning, but extreme action is when you start to build towards your goals. Martin Luther King had a dream, but nothing would have happened if he didn't put those dreams into action. Bill Gates had an idea,but nothing would have happen if he didn't put them into action.

Don't be apart of the should've, could've, would've club. What are you scared of, Failure? We told you that failure is a part of the process. Failure is where you learn the biggest lessons. You will hear us say this quote over and over by Nelson Mandela, "I Never Lose. I Either Win or I Learn". I'd rather have taken advantage of an opportunity and failed then to have sat around and done nothing. If you want this year to be different than last year you have to start doing things different. More doing and less talking, More I can and less I can't. You just have to decide what it is you want and go after it with every fiber in your being. Lets make the saying "This is my year" actually mean something.

Actions speak louder than words. So do me this favor, starting right now as you read this. Let your actions do all the talking for you. Instead of telling people I'm going to do this and that. Just go out there and do it. Watch how people start to gravitate towards you and talk about the things you have done. People are going to say "Wow, did you see what they are doing? They are making big moves!". That will motivate people a lot more than your words. Also when you do speak about it people will pay closer attention to what you are saying. All because now they can actually see what you have done  and now your words carry more weight than before.

I know this isn't the 30 Day Challenge, but I challenge you to start doing more and talking less. Start making things happen instead of always saying you are going to do it. Take massive action and lets start knocking off goals on your list. Your goals are not going to be completed by themselves. Go and conquer your goals, conquer your life and conquer your mind. Like the title says, Walk The Walk!

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


FB: straightupmindset

Twitter: @strupmindset

Instagram: straightupmindset

Google +: straightupmindset

Snap Chat: straight up mindset

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Prove It Series: Week 3 - Cut It Out!

Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from the negativity.  ~Unknown

Welcome to the January edition of the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This months series is called the Prove It Series. First weeks topic was over Accountability, last weeks topic was over Build Your Circle, and this weeks topic is Cut it out!!

There are 3 things that you have to cut out of your life in order to reach your milestones.  If you cut out these 3 things, you are well on your way to making your dreams and your goals a reality and living a Positive life.

The first thing is Negative talk.  Life and death is in the tongue, if you talk negative, you will bring negative to your life.  You have to speak life into your situation, speak life into your dreams, speak life into your relationships.  I have found out in my life, that the biggest enemy I had to deal with was and is myself.  I read an old African Proverb that says, "If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm."  So as you look forward to redefining who you are, I need you to ask yourself, who am I right now?  Who do I want to become? And what do I need to change about myself to get where I'm going?  I promise you, it starts with what comes out of your mouth. Cut Out the negative talk about yourself and about others and you will create a new and beautiful future, not only for you, but the people around you.

Secondly, I need you to Cut Out the Negative Thoughts.  As you begin to look at your future, where you want to go, what you want to be, and what you have to leave behind?  What no longer fits in God's plan for your life.  Those Negative thoughts that you have about yourself, they have to go.  You are Great, You are Amazing, and you are Somebody.  Stop thinking that you are not and believe that you are.  If you want to keep getting what your getting, keep thinking those Negative thoughts about yourself.  See I believe that in life we "WILL" Negative things in our lives, because if we are speaking Negative and thinking Negative, well guess what your going to get, NEGATIVE!!  So lets start thinking positive thoughts about who we want to be, where we want to go, and all the goals we have set out for our life.  Every morning when you wake up, Speak Positive, Think Positive, and Be Positive if you want a Positive outcome.

Last thing I need you to Cut out, is Negative People.  You are the director of your life.  Your friends and even your family members are actors and actresses in your movie.  If they are not there to help you reach new heights in your life, to support you in all of your dreams and goals, no matter how crazy they may seem, you can Cut them out.  Negative people, if you let them they will tear down your life.  When people try and tell you that your crazy if you believe you will own your own business, your insane if you think you will travel the world, or you are outside your mind if you think that you can change the world, ignore them and keep grinding.  Stay focused on what you have been called to do, because if you let people's Negative talk sneak into your mind and you start believing it, you will miss out on your blessings.  So do me a huge favor, If they don't encourage you, cut them out, if they don't motivate you, cut them out, and if they talk Negative, think Negative, and are Negative, cut them out.  You are going places, you are destined for Greatness, so surround yourself around Positive, motivated, and Great People.

This week is the week to start living a Positive Life.  Starting today, cut out Negative Talk, Negative Thoughts, and Negative People.  If you do this, I promise you like the quote at the top says, Beautiful things will start to happen.

Straight Up!!

If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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Twitter: @strupmindset

Instagram: straightupmindset

Google +: straightupmindset

Snap Chat: straight up mindset

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