Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Control Series: Week 1 - Control Your Emotions

When You Control Your Thoughts & Emotions, You Control Everything.
Marshall Sylver
Welcome and thank you for returning to the Straight Up Mindset Blog. This is the September edition of the blog. This month's series is the Control Series and this week's topic is Control Your Emotions.
This topic is something that I struggle with daily. I wear my heart on my sleeve and always feel the need to respond when it's really not necessary. I was picked on and bullied as a child so I always feel the need to defend myself and prove something. Over the years I have learned that when you allow your emotions to carry you like that, you tend to hurt yourself even more so than if you just didn't say anything in the first place.
I've learned to pick and choose my battles and that most of the time your silence speaks volumes. Now obviously it's easier said than done when trying to control your emotions. It takes a lot of practice and fine tuning to be aware when a situation starts to get to a certain point. You really need to have a good understanding of who you are to catch yourself before you get to that point. Do I still get caught up in certain situations because of my emotions, absolutely. I have gotten better and continue to work on my control everyday.
Letting your emotions run wild can hinder your progress to being a better you. It can hinder your  success in whatever you are trying to pursue. It can take years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears and you throw it all down the drain. Your emotions can cause you to be petty and be perceived as very immature. Don't allow a situation or a person to get you to that point. Understand what is going on and try to anticipate the moment of escalation and act accordingly. This only happens through repetition.
Taking full ownership when you do slip up and then being able to self assess or take constructive criticism from those who are genuinely trying to help you. Our ego and pride can sometimes block us from learning from a situation. We naturally want to point the finger and play the blame game. So understand this, being able to control your emotions is a huge strength. It can help you avoid a lot of situations and obstacles that escalate into something that will only hurt you.
So do me a favor, take a step back, breath, gather your thoughts and make sure your response is of a calm nature. If you are unable to do so simply leave the situation and wait until you have calmed yourself before responding. Then come back accordingly to address the issue. Also, you can simply not respond at all. Not all situations require a response and your silence can be a louder statement than any words.
Straight Up!! If you have any questions or need to go more in depth, please feel free to email us at or you can also reach us on social media.


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